Chapter three
"On the trip"
I was looking at my last letter from Darlene and thinking when I heard someone walking into the cabin, the door didn't close behind whoever it was, I already knew who it was long before she said anything, then I heard someone coming from behind me, "What are you doing?" a tone I heard one too many times, in my short existence,
I slept in on a bunk bed, there was one other bed in the room and and the room itself was really just a super small cabin, the camp I was at was a camp but one of the nicer ones, pretty much everyone stayed in a cabin, and when we wen't on hikes they were often over-night so then we stayed in tents, so it was nice to have a cabin to stay in whenever I wanted, where I am from if you go camping you stay in a tent, and any other time then this I would be glad to have one of my bunkmates coming in while I am reading because I would normally be slightly bored, but, not this time,
This time it was Shari London, a girl that hadn't moved in until her cabin suffered water damage and she had to move, oh yes thats right, she wanted a cabin all alone, her parents payed extra money for it, not that the thought didn't sound appealing to have one all to yourself, but it kind of defeated the whole purpose of going if you aren't going to at least try to make friends, and what better way then to stay in the same cabin? the same room? people will often ignore you if they don't know or have to get to know you, but, in a cabin they don't have much of a choice, your kind of stuck with them and they are stuck with you, but, in Shari London's case, well this is a girl who would rather step on my foot then say 'hello.'
She, this whole time that she had had to stay in our cabin, me and Kathy's that is, hadn't said a word to us other then to tell me or Kathy that our 'junk' as she put it was in her way, we tried to stay out of her way but it was a hard thing to do and being forgiving of her 'character treats' was slowly and slowly getting harder to do Kathy was going to talk to her about it but I guess she hadn't gotten around to it, so here she was asking me something, I was reading as I had said before so I wasn't really listening,
"I said what are you doing?" she asked again, I turned around this time, she had been messing with my things every five seconded to 'get her things back' I never really had any of her things in my bag but like I said she is a vary difficult person to deal with, I always watched her when she did to make sure she didn't rummage through my diary or anything else important to me, but this time she was just asking me a question, one which I didn't really feel like answering, but I would anyway because I didn't want her to think that I was trying to be rude to her,
"I'm going over a few letters that I got a little bit ago, why?" I asked her, at that point I put the letters back in my things, and looked at her since I obviously wasn't going to finish what I was doing, "Ooook, well then why are you doing that in here?" she stared at me and all I could do was stare back and say "Ummm because there is a kickball game going on outside and I needed the quiet? listen why does this matter to you anyway?" she looked at me almost as if she thought that I didn't understand the question, she glanced at the letters that I hadn't taken off my desk yet,
she stared at them for what seemed to be a long time, finally I got vary sick of her looking at my things and so I got up, she in turn picked up a letter I had written to Chris and was reading it, READING IT I could deal with her snide attitude, and even her going through my clothes thinking I had stolen something from her, but to have her looking at my personal letters to my friends was just too much, "Thank you for the grammar check, but I think my spelling was fine."
I snatched my letter from her and put it in my bag, then I turned and through it on my bed, or so I thought, I must have been much more annoyed then I thought, because I through it past my bed and it landed next to her bed, she stared at me with upset eyes, I told her I would move it as soon as I got back, then I slipped on my sneakers and then left the cabin, I bit my lip as I walked out, I could not believe her! she didn't even get why I was mad at her! ugh, anyway,
it didn't matter now I was out of there, we worked on one more project that day, then the next day we went on a hike, it was wonderfully beautiful, and altho the hike up and down was long, just being there seemed worth it, after the hike we all sat around the bon fire making s'mores and talking I could see Shari staring at me from across the fire, her bright green eyes staring into what seemed to be my soul, I know it was crazy but I really do think she wanted to hurt me for some reason, or at least start a fight but I didn't provoke this, and I certainty wasn't going to start a fight for no reason, I would tell one of the consolers LONG before I let the situation deteriorate to THAT level, not if I had anything to say about it,
The next day for breakfast instead of the normal food laid out on a table out front, they had a large fire, out me and Kathy got dressed and went out to eat, I took a little longer because I could not for the life of me find half of my stuff, I couldn't remember what happened to my bag that it would all be missing I had a feeling about it but I tried to put the thought out of my mind though,
I took a pan and two eggs to the fire, the other girls were up before me and Kathy so they were pretty much down cooking, ''awesome, no line!" I said to Kathy as we walked over and started to set up, I saw Shari across the fire again, only this time, she was not alone, there was a small group of three girls who were standing around her and laughing, she was telling them something... then she confirmed my fears by pointing me out and waved, the other girls looked at me laughed and waved too, pretty soon my food, was done, as I started to eat me and Kathy saw something else that made us wonder what was going on, on of the other girls Elena was running over to m.r Hepper, or Josh as we called him, she and he had a vary short conversation, and then left with on of the other staff members,
When me and Kathy were done, we started on one of the smaller hiking trails, we found some frogs which were so small we almost stepped on a few of them and I saw a sneak on the path but it was gone long before we got anywhere near it, we were walking for a little bit before we decided to go back and see if we had missed all of class, here it was optional, we didn't have to attended because it was just shop class, you did have to say where you were going though,
On our way back we were stopped by Elena who told me that she found some letters with my hand writing on it in the woods, I was shocked, me and Kathy rushed over and started to gather up my things, ALL my markers and pens were gone! I didn't have a clue as to where they went, but I could only assume that Shari had had something to do with it all, I remember picking up this bag and putting it with the rest of my things, but why would she move it out here and steal all of my writing supplies?
Me and Kathy began to walk again after gathering up my things she couldn't possibly believe that even Shari would do this it didn't make any since, I reminded her that neither did Shari's behavior the past few weeks, but it really didn't matter, my stuff was missing and I had to find it because I had pretty much brought 30$ in pens markers and paints before the trip and I really didn't want to have to replace it all,
We decided to go back to camp and put the things of mine that I had already found away and come back to look for the rest, but it did't matter, before we got back, I already knew what had happened to it all.