
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

it's not That late... ok so it is.

I don't really know why I can't seem to go to bed on time but I am online anyway so why not?
well the cat that was sick is now dead, it was run over at the same time of the last post I made I about cried my eyes out but then i remembered that we were gonna put it down anyway and so it was only a matter of time i took some pictures of Elise today after she got into her all GREEN costume so that was funny I kept telling her
"wait!" " no! " you have to jump from right to left not left to right, I am sure that not many people will see them but I am sure that they came out nicely on my part, um... I am sitting here waiting for sleep to take over and I hope that I can soon get some more followers I also am still kinda sad about the cat so it may take a night or two to get over that, and I have to talk to my friend about the two bunnies I have one after shave I have had for a while but the one I got just a few weeks ago midnight shadow (and yes she is a girl) have been together for as long as I have had her so I need to find out how long after they breed do I have to remove the male bunny from the cage, so I guess that I will have to find that one out sunday... and I think I may soon have to get rid of some of my cats and get some fixed because I wan't a lot of cats but i know that I don't wan't them to starve or to get sick and infect the others so I need to take care of this soon like maybe this week, but I just don't wan't to have to put anymore down. so I will have to do something about it soon and thats gonna be tough.


  1. Uh...You posted this twice?!?

  2. uh, no it somehow copied it and did that again for some reason.
