Return address: "frige??"
To: the drinker of me...
From: So'da
Dear drinkers of soda I have come to notice that when you walk in the room
I feel like the room is lit, and then like I am being moved by a great force, the coldness that sounds my life is gone and I feel warm, but just as I am getting used to the warmth I feel like my life is being turnd upside down and porn out, the the bitter cold rocks of my life start to sink in... one by one I feel like I am being drowned out of life I start to feel like I lack favour then the feeling of drooping sinks in and my life as a soft drink comes to a end, I feel like I should tell you all of this because I have noted that you always seem to have this effect, not that I have personally felt this way but others have told me about you in this manner all I would like to know Is why do people keep calling my home a frige??? I don't know weather you will ever talk to me seeing as you never have but I feel an impending doom and my last wish is that you visit me in this so called "frige" and tell me what is going on.
Your so'da.
p.s please tell me how to spell "frige" I have no eyes so I had to have the banana wright this letter for me, and we all know how they can be.
p.s p.s I would like to change my name from soda to so'da it sounds so much better don't you think?
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